Cultural Assessment Request for Proposals: Questions and Answers for Vendors

The following responses are provided to questions posed by respondents to the Jeffcom Cultural Assessment Request for Proposals:

Question #1: In the Scope of Services is “Current pay structure.” Does the Authority intend for this to be a comprehensive pay analysis, or, instead, a less formal survey of where JeffCom’s pay sits in relation to comparable centers in the area?

Answer to Question #1: The Authority would ask for a review of Jeffcom’s salary and structure and how it is in relation to other centers in the area.  Jeffcom completes an annual salary survey using known data from a third party and sets salaries accordingly.  There is no need, unless determined and opted by the selected vendor as part of their independent review for a comprehensive salary analysis.


Question #2: In the Scope of Services also mentions salary scales, along with staffing. Does the Authority intend for this to be a comprehensive staffing analysis, which would include an evaluation of how many budgeted positions you currently have vs. how many you need based on call volume, services provided, size of the population served, etc. Or, is this a request for something less formal that shows your current staffing levels compared to the industry standard?

Answer to Question #2: Jeffcom would ask for an analysis on staffing to determine,  based on current structure and level of complexities what the recommended staffing levels would need to be.  This can based  on such factors as calls for service, service needs by community and agencies,  current population, attrition rates, training timelines etc. Staffing levels needed/ recommended to meet industry service levels, i.e., answering times.